Det finnes nå mange vitenskapelige publikasjoner om brearkeologi – mest artikler og noen bøker. De fleste av disse kan man få tak i via internett eller bibliotek. For de artikler som ligger åpent ute for nedlasting har vi lagt til en nedlastingslenke.

Hvis du kjenner til vitenskapelig litteratur om brearkeologi, som ikke er på listen under, så gi gjerne beskjed, så vi kan få komplettert oversikten over de vitenskapelige publikasjoner. Vi har ikke inkludert vitenskapelige publikasjoner som er av glasiologisk karakter, rene GIS-analyser eller andre typer frossen kontekst enn is.

Andrew T.D. and G. MacKay 2014. The Archaeology and Paleoecology of Alpine Ice Patches: A Global Perspective. Arctic 57(3):iii-vi. (download)
Dixon, E.J., M. Callanan, A. Hafner and P.G. Hare 2014. The Emergence of Glacial Archaeology. Journal of Glacial Archaeology 1.1: 1-9. (download)
Rechlin, R. 2013: Ice Patch Archaeology in Global Perspective: Archaeological Discoveries from Alpine Ice Patches Worldwide and Their Relationship with Paleoclimates. Journal of World Prehistory (download)

Bjørgo, T., T. Linge, Ø. Skår, S. Rongved & T. Slinning 2015. Fragments of a Late Iron Age Sledge Melted Out of the Vossaskavlen Snowdrift Glacier in Western Norway. Journal of Glacial Archaeology 2: 73-81.
Callanan, M. 2010. Northern Snow Patch Archaeology. In C. Westerdahl (ed): A Circumpolar Reappraisal: The Legacy of Gutorm Gjessing (1906.1979). BAR International Series 2154, 2010: 43-54. (download)
Callanan, M. 2012. Central Norwegian Snow Patch Archaeology: Patterns past and present. Arctic 65(5):178-188. (download)
Callanan, M. 2013. Melting snow patches reveal Neolithic archery. Antiquity 87(337):728-745. (download)
Callanan, M. 2014a. Bronze Age Arrows from Norwegian Alpine Snow Patches. Journal of Glacial Archaeology 1.1: 25-49. (download)
Callanan, M. 2014b. Out of the Ice. Doctoral thesis. NTNU. (download)
Callanan, M. 2015. Chronological patterns among archaeological finds from snow patches in Central Norway 1914-2011, in S. Indrelid, K.L. Hjelle & K. Stene (eds.) Exploitation of Outfield Resources: Joint Research at the University Museums of Norway: 55-68. Bergen: University Museum, University of Bergen. (download)
Callanan M. 2016. Managing frozen heritage: Some challenges and responses. Quaternary International, Volume 402: 72–79. (download)
Farbregd, O. 1972. Pilefunn fra Oppdalsfjella. Universitetet i Trondheim. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet. (download)
Farbregd, O. 2009. Archery history from ancient snow and ice. Brattli (ed.): The 58th International Sachsensymposium, 1-5 September 2007. Vitark 7: 156-70.
Finstad, E. and M. Vedeler 2008. En bronsealdersko fra Jotunheimen. Viking 2008: 61-70. (download whole volume)
Hougen, B. 1937. Pilene fra Storhø. Viking 1937:197-204. (download whole volume)
Martinsen, J. 2015. Unmoving Ice Patches and Instances of Baised Recovery Patterns. Journal of Glacial Archaeology 2: 51-72.
Nesje, A. L. Pilø, E. Finstad, B. Solli, V. Wangen, R. Ødegård, K. Isaksen, E. Støren, D. Bakke, L. Andreassen 2012. The climatic significance of artefacts related to prehistoric reindeer hunting exposed at melting ice patches in southern Norway. The Holocene 22(4):485-496. (download)
Vedeler M. and L.B. Jørgensen 2013. Out of the Norwegian glaciers: Lendbreen–a tunic from the early first millennium AD. Antiquity 87(337):788-801. (download)
Åstveit, L. I. 2007. Høyfjellsarkeologi under snø og is. Global oppvarming, fonnjakt og funn fra snøfonner datert til steinalder. Viking 2007:7-22. (download)

Alterauge, A., S. Providoli, N. Moghaddam, & S. Lösch 2015. Death in the Ice. Re-investigations of the Remains from the Theodul Glacier. Journal of Glacial Archaeology 2: 35-50. (download)
Grosjean, M. et al. 2007. Ice-borne prehistoric finds in the Swiss Alps reflect Holocene glacier fluctuations. Journal of Quaternary Science 22(3):203-207. (download)
Hafner A. 2012. Archaeological Discoveries on Schnidejoch and at Other Ice Sites in the European Alps. Arctic 65(5):189-202. (download)
Hafner, A. 2015 (ed.). Schnidejoch und Lötschenpass. Archäologische Forschungen in den Berner Alpen. Archäologischer Dienst des Kantons Bern.
Reitmaier, T., C. auf der Maur, L. Reitmaier-Naef, M. Seifert & C. Walser 2016. Spätmesolitischer Bergkristallabbau auf 2800 m höhe nahe der Fuorcla da Strem Sut (Kr. Uri/Graubünden/CH). Archäologischer Korrespondenzblatt. Jahrgang 46, 2016, heft 2.
Reitmaier-Naef, L. & T. Reitmaier 2015. Cold Ice: A survey and Monitoring Programme of High-Alpine Cultural Heritage in the Central Alps, Switzerland. Journal of Glacial Archaeology 2: 25-34. (download)
Suter, P.J., A. Hafner and K. Glauser 2005. Lenk – Schnidejoch. Funde aus dem Eis – ein vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Passübergang. Archäologie im Kanton Bern. Band 6. (download)
Providoli, S., P. Curdy and P. Elsig 2016. 400 Jahre im Gletschereis. Der Theodulpass bei Zermatt und sein «Söldner». Reihe Geschichtsmuseum Wallis 13.

Veith, M. & B. N. Castellan 2011. Trauer fordert Gewissheit. Über den Umgang mit Gletscherleichen in Archäologie – Zeitgeschichte – Psychologie. Nearchos Beiheft 9. Forschungen zur Gletscherarchäologie 1.

For lenker til de vitenskapelige publikasjoner om Ötzi:

Andrews, T.D., G. MacKay and L. Andrew 2014. Archaeological Investigations of Alpine Ice Patches in the Selwyn Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada. Arctic 65(5):1-21. (download)
Beattie O., B. Apland, E. Blake, J. Cosgrove, S. Gaunt, S. Greer, A. Mackie, K. Mackie, D. Straathof, V. Thorp & P. Troffe 2000. The Kwäday Dän Ts’ìnchi Discovery from a Glacier in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Archaeology (24): 129–147.
Dove, C., P.G. Hare and M. Heacker 2005. Identification of Ancient Feather Fragments Found in Melting Alpine Ice Patches in Southern Yukon. Arctic 58(1):38-43. (download)
Farnell, R. et al. 2004. Multidisciplinary Investigations of Alpine Ice Patches in Southwest Yukon, Canada: Paleoenvironmental and Paleobiological Investigations. Arctic 57(3):247-259. (download)
Greer, S. and D. Strand 2012. Cultural Landscapes, Past and Present, and the South Yukon Ice Patches. Arctic 65(5):136-152. (download)
Hare, P.G. 2011. The Frozen Past: The Yukon Ice Patches. Whitehorse, Yukon: Government of Yukon. (download)
Hare P.G. et al. 2004. Ethnographic and Archaeological Investigations of Alpine Ice Patches in Southwest Yukon, Canada. Arctic 57(3):260-272. (download)
Hare, P.G. et al. 2012. The Archaeology of Yukon Ice Patches: New artifacts, observations, and insights. Arctic 65(5):118-135. (download)
Helwig, K., V. Monahan and J. Poulin 2008. The identification of hafting adhesive on a slotted antler point from a southwest Yukon ice patch. American Antiquity 73(2):279(210).
Helwig, K., V. Monahan, J. Poulin & T. Andrews 2013. Ancient projectile weapons from ice patches in Northwestern Canada: Identification of resin and compound resin-ochre hafting adhesives. Journal of Archaeological Science 41:655-665. (download)
Keddie, G. and E. Nelson 2005. An Arrow from the Tsitsutl Glacier, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 29: 113-123. (download)

Dixon, E.J., W.F. Manley and C.M. Lee 2005. The Emerging Archaeology of Glaciers and Ice Patches: Examples from Alaska’s Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. American Antiquity 70(1):129-143.
Lee, C.M. 2012. Withering snow and ice in mid-latitudes: A new archaeological and paleobiological record for the Rocky Mountain region. Arctic 65(5):165-177. (download)
Lee, C.M., J.B. Benedict, and J.B. Lee 2006. Ice Patches and Remnant Glaciers: Paleontological Discoveries and Archaeological Possibilities in the Colorado High Country. Southwestern Lore: Journal of Colorado Archaeology 72(1):27-43.
Sgouros, R. & M. Stimm 2015. An Ice Patch Artifact and Paleobiological Specimen from the Teton Mountains, Wyoming, USA. Journal of Glacial Archaeology 2: 3-24. (download)
Vanderhoek, R., B. Wygal, R. Tedor & C. Holmes 2007. Survey and Monitoring of Ice Patches in the Denali Highway Region, Central Alaska, 2003-2005. Alaska Journal of Anthropology vol. 5, no.2: 67-86. (download)
VanderHoek, R. et al. 2012. Ice Patch Archaeology in Alaska: 2000–10. Arctic 65(5):153-164. (download)
Vanderhoek, R., R.M. Tedor and J.D. McMahan 2007. Report. Cultural Materials Recovered from Ice Patches in the Denali Highway Region, Central Alaska, 2003-2005. Alaska Journal of Anthropology vol. 5, no.2: 185-200.